Balancing Parenthood and a Career: 5 Strategies for Success

Being a parent is one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences you can have. Add a career to the mix, and you have a recipe for a very hectic, demanding life. I had a coffee meeting the other day and the man I met has 3 older daughters and he asked me- “How on Earth do you do it all with 3 Children under 4?”. Well let me tell you…
Gender Equality- It’s not just about women.

When it comes to gender equality there is a lot of support for women. How women can increase their confidence, what we need for women in the workplace to thrive and enable flexibility etc. I am a HUGE advocate for all of this. As a working mum of 3 young children, if I didn’t have the flexibility I have at work there is just no way I could make it work.
But what can Men do to help support this further, and assist with bridging the gap?
Balancing Motherhood and Career: 5 Strategies for Success

If you have the right mindset and you have the right approach to it, you can absolutely balance being a mother and your career successfully. There are a few elements that must be in place though, and I’ll start with the most important at the top!
My 5 favourite Aussie Insta mums.

Most of us follow other mums, influencers, celebs etc on social media. And sometimes they may not realise how inspirational it is to see mums that are doing incredible things alongside the huge role of motherhood. The 6 that I am going to list below are mothers that have, in one way or another really inspired me and helped me on my own journey as a mother of 3.
What to do when you find out you’re having two.

Twins is the most incredible gift anyone could be given, and I think most twin parents will agree. The thought for most is very overwhelming and that’s probably why they weren’t lucky enough to have them! You get what you can deal with in life I always think, and I wouldn’t change a thing.
Overcoming Guilt and Being Confident as a Working Mum

So many of us have been there. You find out your pregnant it’s super early days and you don’t want to tell anyone just yet- especially not work.
5 ways to hide that you’re pregnant in the office.

So many of us have been there. You find out your pregnant it’s super early days and you don’t want to tell anyone just yet- especially not work.
5 reasons why you become a better employee when you’re a mum.

5 reasons why you become a better employee when you’re a mum. I always thought I was a good employee, but I have definitely been so much better since having children and doing a lot of mindset work. More than half of Australian mums are working either part time or full time and still raising […]
Why parents wear suits and sneakers

Why parents wear suits and sneakers When I used to work in Sydney, I would often see professionals in the city wearing their beautiful suits paired with sneakers. I never really understood it. Sure, as a female, you may not want to be killing your feet in high heals on your commute to work so […]
Why parents leaving work early is not at all it’s cracked up to be

Why parents leaving work early is not all it’s cracked up to be The truth behind parents leaving work early.I have definitely been guilty of thinking- “I can’t wait to have children so I can leave work early”Back in my prime when I was in my 20’s, loving life, working hard, playing hard I would […]